
Still looking for your place?

See what we can give you in return for your talent and contribution to the development of the company.

What make us different


Recruitment process

HR Team

What make us different?

Flexibility – Everyone has their own rhythm of life. By taking care of work-life-balance, we adapt to you. You decide whether you work from the office, from home, or hybrid. We understand random situations.

Flat structure – Communication problems between the supervisor and ↔ the employee are a story that has never happened in our company. We surround our team with the care of managers and we are not indifferent to professional and private problems.

Trust – We trust you, so you have the freedom to act. We do not limit or clip our wings. Do you have an idea that will improve the application? Show it to us!

Relaxed atmosphere – “Ma’am/Sir” is not with us! Here we are on a first-name basis. We don’t have a dress code and we like an informal atmosphere.

Responsibility – We work for large customers who count on the highest quality. Fear not, because 30% of our structure are experienced seniors who effectively support teams. Act freely and responsibly. You can always count on our support.

Teamwork – when turned: This is not an empty slogan, but the everyday life of our crew. Remember: 98% of the TTSW staff declare that they can count on the support of their teammates, and 94% consider people to be one of the most important assets of the company.

Development – Do you need training? Or maybe you want to develop other talents? We support both experienced and inexperienced in the development. We subsidize external and internal training, we support your development.

Passion – We don’t work, because we live it. Our work is our passion. We share our hobbies and inspire each other as part of joint actions such as “Hobby in TTSW”.

Parent support – Do you have small children? Are you afraid of what it will be like? You can count on us – we support parents both with a benefit system and by organizing activities for children. We understand the inaccessibility when you have to take care of your child.


Flexible working hours and the ability to work remotely

Constant support from supervisors and team members

Co-financing of language training and courses

Multisport Card

Health and life insurance

Well-being package, including psychological support

A green workplace

Company Social Benefits Fund (ZFŚS)

Recruitment Process


You SEND your CV , and the HR team selects and gets back to you within a maximum of 2 working days from receiving your application. Because each of us likes to be informed what and how.


FIRST CONVERSATION – BY PHONE (the so-called screening). Screening takes about 15 minutes. During it, we get to know each other better, talk about the company and ask basic questions to get to know the candidate’s expectations.


SECOND INTERVIEW – TECHNICAL with our specialist. This one takes about 1.5-2 hours. We conduct it remotely. We focus here on conversation, not questioning.


THE THIRD INTERVIEW – WITH THE CLIENT – is an optional interview, so if it is not necessary because your specialization does not require it – we will resign from it and end the recruitment after the technical meeting.


MAKING AN OFFER – if we want you on board, most often your future supervisor will call you to make you an offer of cooperation with TTSW.

HR Team

Hubert Rajca — IT Recruitment Specialist

Our energy firecracker searches for gems on the market and offers them the best offers.

Julia Taciuch-Guźda — Head of the HR Department

An experienced recruiter and head of the entire HR department at TTSW.

Piotr Wójcik – HR Specialist

He deals with employee matters and also specializes in the recruitment of apprentices.

Karolina Kiemiesz — HR Specialist

Master of our Social Media. She solves employee issues and supports recruitment.

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